Port Angeles, Washington
Allied Health Early Child Development Center
The Early Childhood Development Center at Peninsula College provides childcare for wadddlers to pre-K aged children and supports the Early Childhood Education Degree and certificate programs. The facility’s design was held to a high level of quality as it needed to be an example of the best in the region and a training facility for the early learning degree programs at the College. State-of-the-art outdoor play spaces provide nature play and diverse developmentally appropriate play and learning opportunities. The site included loose-parts play and creative exploration of the natural world, a variety of play equipment, music stations, garden, climbing and water play structures, and trike tracks created for different age levels. The play area supports visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, logical-mathematical, linguistic, and imaginative play. New pedestrian connections and fire access combine to link a wetland and the House of Learning Longhouse at the edge of a mature forest ecosystem.
Peninsula College
Schact/Aslani Architects
Landscape Architecture