Seattle, Washington
North Rainier Landbanked Site Park
Osborn is leading the design of a new park that includes a multi-purpose lawn, universally accessible adult exercise equipment, seating and picnic tables, street improvements, sidewalks, planter strips, and play elements for toddlers and older children. As the City has acquired additional land for the park throughout the design process, being flexible and accommodating change has been a key to success for the team. A unique approach to public artwork at the site involved coordination with an artist to collect textile and fabric designs to represent the diverse cultures and heritages of the neighborhood to support the theme “Fabric of Community.” The park is anticipated to be constructed in late summer 2024.
Seattle Parks and Recreation

Our staff conducted an in-person public meeting, during which community members could speak with them in person at tents set-up in the parking lot of the grocery store across the street. Community members could either walk or drive by and speak with the design team. We received enthusiastic input to inform the design and built valuable connections in the community.