Proactive Stormwater Budget Coming to Spokane Valley
The City of Spokane Valley has experienced significant population increase in recent years and is subject to increasing regulatory requirements for stormwater. Having not increased their stormwater utility fee in close to 15 years, the City hired Osborn Consulting to lead a consultant team in devel…

Building the Fabric of Community for North Rainier Park in Seattle
Osborn Consulting is honored to contribute to the community of North Rainier by designing its new local park! Since our last update in October, the project has progressed at lightning speed. We’ve worked with Parks to integrate the two parcels north of the original site (increasing the site to 1….

Alice Ball Park & Celebrating Black History Month
The City of Seattle honored Alice Augusta Ball by dedicating a new park, adjacent to the Greenwood Library, to her name – “Alice Ball Park,” which OCI landscape architects had the honor of designing in 2019. Located on a site formerly inhabited by drive-up businesses and asphalt parking, the …

Restoring Ebright Creek Salmon Habitat
OCI was thrilled to partner with the City of Sammamish on this fish passage project where we managed the replacement of existing culverts under East Lake Sammamish Parkway (ELSP) that had caused barriers to kokanee salmon being able to spawn. The City of Sammamish, along with the Kokanee Work Group…

SAM Structural Stormwater Controls (SSC) Science Review & Synthesis Study
OCI recently completed important research to inform recommendations for Structural Stormwater Control (SSC) requirements for the Municipal Stormwater Permit.
In 2018, municipal stormwater permittees (MS4) in Western Washington requested a stakeholder group work on policy and technical issues re…

Award-Winning Outdoor Learning at Salish Coast Elementary
“No child left inside” was the guiding philosophy for the design team in delivering the Salish Coast Elementary School for the Port Townsend School District. Osborn Consulting (OCI) was the landscape architect for this award-winning project by Integrus Architects.
Three goals guided th…

Fritz Hedges Waterway Park Wins an LOCEA Award!
Osborn Consulting (OCI), along with City of Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) and the rest of the project team, has been awarded a Local Outstanding Engineering Achievement (LOCEA) award for their work on the Fritz Hedges Waterway Park. OCI is honored to be recognized for this newly opened project…

Green Area Maintenance in the Spotlight
Success for green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) can only truly be measured years after the plans are stamped and the last plantings are in the ground. The responsibility of ensuring the longevity and functionality of a GSI system rests in the hands of operations and maintenance (O&M) staff.

Making More Than A Park
On Tuesday, February 4, 2020, Osborn Consulting joined the University of Washington in celebrating projects by Pacific Northwest landscape architects at the Out in Front: Landscape Leading opening reception. This biannual 2-week exhibition is sponsored by the University of Washington Department of …

Summer Field Work
Over the summer, two OCI engineers spent most of their time working in the field. Henry Jones and Isaac Fournier share their experiences:
Henry worked on a stormwater mapping project with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). As a part of the EPA’s National Pollution Discharg…

Inglewood Hill Road Improvements Project Wins ASCE LOCEA Award
On Wednesday, June 13, ASCE Seattle presented Osborn Consulting, Inc. (OCI) and the City of Sammamish with a Local Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement award. The award was for the recently constructed NE Inglewood Hill Road Stormwater Retrofit and Non-Motorized Improvements Project, located on…

Golden Gardens Project Wins LOCEA Award
On Wednesday, July 5 2017, OCI was presented with an award at the ASCE Seattle Chapter’s Local Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement (LOCEA) award ceremony. The award was for our project with Seattle Parks and Recreation at Golden Gardens Park, where the OCI team replaced a failing stairway and …

Osborn Designs SDOT Neighborhood Street Fund Projects
This summer, OCI developed conceptual designs for Seattle’s Department of Transportation’s annual Neighborhood Street Fund Program, recently covered by King 5 News.
OCI provided concept-level designs for 20 Neighborhood Street Fund projects. The projects range from sidewalk improvements, new ro…

Sewer Rehabilitation Spotlight
Two of OCI’s Sewer Rehabilitation Projects recently received competitive construction bids that came in under the engineer’s estimates. OCI provided engineering design for a combination of spot repairs and relining sites for the City of Bellevue’s Sanitary Sewer Repair Project. The relining metho…

Fritz Hedges Waterway Park
OCI worked with Walker Macy to design a new City of Seattle park on Portage Bay that will open in 2018. OCI engineers provided civil engineering for the design that includes a kayak storage area, restrooms, terraced seating areas, piers, and beach access. OCI was excited to have the opportunity to w…

ACEC Awards 2016
The American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) recently hosted the prestigious 2016 Engineering Excellence Awards Gala. Innovative projects from design firms across Washington competed in the “Best in State Projects” category. Our nomination, Seattle Public Utilities’ Venema Natural Drai…

Puyallup River Bridge Replacement Timelapse
Last weekend, the 379-ton, steel truss bridge, originally built in 1925 and most recently used as temporary detour bridge across Puyallup River, was moved away from the river and onto WSDOT right-of-way. OCI worked on the drainage design for the temporary detour and the permanent bridge, designed a …