On the Blog

Check out the articles below where we share our thoughts on industry trends, company news, and more.

It’s World Wetlands Day!

This World Wetlands Day, we are highlighting four different types of wetlands, one from each region where we have an Osborn Consulting office.

2023 Osborn Consulting Scholarship

Application Deadline: Thursday, April 6, 2023

For the third year in a row, Osborn Consulting is thrilled to offer a scholarship through the Renton Regional Community Foundation for up-and-coming young professionals in our industry!

The Osborn Consulting Scholarship is for ambitious students i…

2022 Year in Review

From all of us at Osborn Consulting, we send our gratitude for your support and partnership throughout 2022 and wish you good health and good cheer through the holidays and 2023. This year gave us time to learn and grow together, deliver practical and creative solutions, build relationships, an…

Proactive Stormwater Budget Coming to Spokane Valley

The City of Spokane Valley has experienced significant population increase in recent years and is subject to increasing regulatory requirements for stormwater. Having not increased their stormwater utility fee in close to 15 years, the City hired Osborn Consulting to lead a consultant team in devel…

Season of Giving 2022

We are honored to have the opportunity to give back to our communities. This holiday season, we invite you to join Osborn Consulting in donating to charitable organizations that are serving those in need, protecting our environment, fostering a love of the great outdoors, and promoting diversity in…

New Team Members in 2022

As we near OCI’s 18th anniversary, we reflect on the incredible accomplishments of our team and the continued partnership of our clients that has allowed us to grow from a firm of one to a firm of 70 talented, passionate, and creative individuals. This year, we have added nine new team member…

Announcing Liz Browning as Osborn’s New Landscape Architecture Practice Lead

Osborn Consulting, Inc. (OCI) is excited to announce that Liz Browning, PLA, is our new Landscape Architecture and Urban Design Practice Lead! Liz is an incredibly talented landscape architect and project manager who joined us in 2019, when Cascade Design Collaborative team members united with OCI….

Building the Fabric of Community for North Rainier Park in Seattle

Osborn Consulting is honored to contribute to the community of North Rainier by designing its new local park! Since our last update in October, the project has progressed at lightning speed. We’ve worked with Parks to integrate the two parcels north of the original site (increasing the site to 1….

Alice Ball Park & Celebrating Black History Month

The City of Seattle honored Alice Augusta Ball by dedicating a new park, adjacent to the Greenwood Library, to her name – “Alice Ball Park,” which OCI landscape architects had the honor of designing in 2019. Located on a site formerly inhabited by drive-up businesses and asphalt parking, the …

Restoring Ebright Creek Salmon Habitat

OCI was thrilled to partner with the City of Sammamish on this fish passage project where we managed the replacement of existing culverts under East Lake Sammamish Parkway (ELSP) that had caused barriers to kokanee salmon being able to spawn. The City of Sammamish, along with the Kokanee Work Group…

Happy World Wetlands Day!

February 2nd is internationally known as World Wetlands Day! This day recognizes the importance in conserving our wetlands and all the functions they contribute to our society. Some of these many functions include biodiversity, carbon sequestration, nutrient cycling, and flood management.

OCI ha…

2022 Osborn Consulting Scholarship

Osborn Consulting is excited to be offering a scholarship for the second year in a row through theRenton Regional Community Foundation for upcoming professionals in our industry! Applications are due March 15, 2022.

The Osborn Consulting Scholarship is for ambitious Black, Indigenous, and People…

2021 Year in Review

From all of us at Osborn Consulting, we send our gratitude for your support and partnership throughout 2021 and wish you health and good cheer through the holidays and 2022. This year we have much to be thankful for. Some highlights from this year include:

This summer we officially opene…

Season of Giving

To celebrate a bountiful year, Osborn Consulting is giving back to several community organizations that invest in our natural environment, support diversity in our industry, and deliver food and water to those in need. We are also proud to be funding our second year of the Osborn Consulting Scholar…

SAM Structural Stormwater Controls (SSC) Science Review & Synthesis Study

OCI recently completed important research to inform recommendations for Structural Stormwater Control (SSC) requirements for the Municipal Stormwater Permit.

In 2018, municipal stormwater permittees (MS4) in Western Washington requested a stakeholder group work on policy and technical issues re…

2021 Osborn Consulting Scholarship Winners

At the end of 2020, OCI established our very first scholarship fund through the Renton Regional Community Foundation for upcoming professionals in our industry.

The Osborn Consulting Scholarship was founded to support ambitious BIPOC students with demonstrated financial need who were or will be …

Award-Winning Outdoor Learning at Salish Coast Elementary

“No child left inside” was the guiding philosophy for the design team in delivering the Salish Coast Elementary School for the Port Townsend School District.  Osborn Consulting (OCI) was the landscape architect for this award-winning project by Integrus Architects.

Three goals guided th…

2021 Osborn Consulting Scholarship

Osborn Consulting is excited to be offering a scholarship this year through the Renton Regional Community Foundation for upcoming professionals in our industry.

The Osborn Consulting Scholarship is for ambitious BIPOC students with demonstrated financial need who are or will be pursuing a bachel…

Fritz Hedges Waterway Park Wins an LOCEA Award!

Osborn Consulting (OCI), along with City of Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) and the rest of the project team, has been awarded a Local Outstanding Engineering Achievement (LOCEA) award for their work on the Fritz Hedges Waterway Park. OCI is honored to be recognized for this newly opened project…

Green Area Maintenance in the Spotlight

Success for green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) can only truly be measured years after the plans are stamped and the last plantings are in the ground. The responsibility of ensuring the longevity and functionality of a GSI system rests in the hands of operations and maintenance (O&M) staff.