Sammamish, Washington
Inglewood Hill Rd Conveyance
Osborn Consulting led a multi-disciplinary team for the Inglewood Neighborhood Drainage final design and PS&E project. The goal of the drainage improvements is to provide solutions to existing drainage problems and support future development without causing impacts to natural resources or existing infrastructure. This project provides over 6,000 LF of stormwater conveyance pipe to collect and convey stormwater to Lake Sammamish while maintaining base flow to the existing creek via a flow splitter. Improvements such as paving, a new sidewalk, planter strips, asphalt overlay, fiber optic conduit, and new signage were also included in this design. Water quality retrofit for 3.3 acres of existing pollution generating surface was achieved via a large sand filter vault, seven modular wetland units, and 6,000 SF of raingarden planter strips.
City of Sammamish